Bowdoin OCS Application Process

In addition to obtaining approval from Bowdoin to study away through the Bowdoin OCS application process, students must apply directly to their respective program/university and follow its application process.

On-Site Requirements

All students must complete the “On-Site Course and Contact Form” upon arrival at their program/university, or as soon as their course enrollments have been finalized. OCS staff then review students’ finalized courses, which may be different than those they submitted through the OCS Application process in February. This final review ensures that students are 1) enrolled in the minimum required credit load to earn four Bowdoin credits and 2) taking courses in the liberal arts that will be eligible to transfer back to Bowdoin. The form also prompts students to share their cell phone number abroad with our office in case of emergency.

This form should be completed well before a student’s add/drop period ends in case any course changes need to be made.

Student sailing on tall ship.
Chelsea Moody '25 (USA and New Zealand)